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Emanuel School - Progress

Our trainee quantity surveyor Alastair Tarvitt has been monitoring progress at our Emanuel School site:

Progress on site has been steady. The deliveries and workforce has slowly been increasing in the past couple of months resulting in less and less space around the site. Because of the small site compound storage is a problem, but as a result of the hard work put in by the site team they were able to overcome this obstacle. Brickwork is up to first floor level with screeding and plastering shortly to follow. The final finishes are due to start in the next couple of months.

The Dacre project involves the demolition of the existing standalone building and the construction of a new three storey classroom block, this will provide linked access to existing buildings at the school.

The new buildings will house additional classrooms including music and art classrooms and will also incorporate an art exhibition space and film studio. The works involve the construction of a concrete framed structure on piled foundations.

The close proximity of the existing building and the neighbouring railway line will make this a complex and challenging project.

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