Our site team based at Duke Street Church, Richmond-upon-Thames is hosting a coffee morning on 29th October for all those interested in seeing the progress of the project so far.
The improved auditorium facility is benefiting from new M & E services which will provide improved heating and ventilation systems
We will be installing new stage lighting and AV Systems, a new focal wall to front of the auditorium, a new stage including alterations/refurbishment to the baptistery bath as well as replacement audience seating to the gallery level. We are also carefully carrying out remedial works to the external facade with replacement windows/curtain walling complete with acoustic ventilation units as well as replacement roof structure and coverings.
Please feel free to pop in for some biscuits, tea, or coffee and chat with our site team

For further information, please have a look at Duke Street Church's short video https://www.dukestreetchurch.com/auditorium?wix-vod-video-id=a348ed2f6591437f8163e122e67673e7&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-kd1dm6ds