So a group of 13 humans and 6 canines from Buxton including family and friends took part in the Battersea Dog and Cats Home – Muddy Dog Challenge on Saturday 11th September. The weather was great which helped as there was no avoiding getting wet and muddy taking on the 5k cross country obstacle course in Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells. The showers provided at the end were much appreciated to get 2 and 4 legged competitors cleaned up a bit.
All very enjoyable and exceptionally well-behaved dogs. Highlights included Ursula, Sheila, and their squads all trying to get through the giant hoop in a pool at the same time, shoes lost from feet in deep mud, Rob’s underwater approach to one set of obstacles, dogs demolishing their ice creams at the end (except Norman who very delicately nibbled through his). Buxton Bear was in attendance supporting and got on fine with the dogs (had been a bit worried about that one!).
A great event, hard work but fun. Thanks again to Ursula, Sheila, Martin, and Rob - and of course to everyone who supported us. I think the Just Giving page is still open if anyone else wants to contribute. So far we have raised £1,547 which Buxton will match, so £3,094 to a great charity.