A big thank you to the 20 volunteers who joined us at Tice’s Meadow for a weekend work party. Tice’s Meadow is a newly developed community nature reserve in Surrey, spanning roughly 150 acres on the site of the former Farnham Quarry. Recognised as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI), it features a diverse mosaic of habitats, including open water, reed beds, woodland, and grasslands. With over 200 bird species recorded, it’s considered one of the friendliest and best reserves in the region.

We were pleased to take part in litter picking, path maintenance, feeding station and shelter upkeep, and hiding the children’s painted pebbles. We enjoyed working alongside the Surrey Choices Growth Team, two Duke of Edinburgh Award participants, an ecological student on work experience, and the team from Buxton Building Contractors Limited, as we refurbish the nearby Aldershot Crematorium.

Special thanks to Andy for bringing the tea kit and Dina for the delicious bread pudding. Great work, everyone!