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Notre Dame School - ND Innovation Space

We're pleased to share that Buxton is soon to start the construction of a new two-storey 'ND Innovation Space' at Notre Dame School in Cobham.

Notre Dame School has a rich 400 year history, The new build extension will include state-of-the-art classrooms, labs, and associated facilities, aiming to provide a functional and modern space that complements the school's dedication to its students' well-being and academic achievements.

The Buxton team is eager to start on-site, demonstrating our strong experience in the independent school sector and our track record of successful projects to further enhance our reputation in this field.

  • Employer: Notre Dame School, Cobham

  • Architect & CA: IID

  • CDM advisor: PFB Construction Management Services Ltd

  • PQS: Madlins LLP

  • Structural Engineer: VKHP

  • M&E Consultant: CBG


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