At Buxton Building Contractors, we know how challenging it can be for SMEs like us to start on a #NetZero journey. There's a lot of information out there, and it can be overwhelming to figure out what steps to take.
Thankfully, we're not on this journey alone. Through our work with the Procure Partnerships Framework, we've teamed up with other like minded businesses to compile some practical steps and ideas to help SMEs move towards sustainability. We've attached these insights for you to look at.
Please share this with your team and join the conversation. Your feedback is important to us and to the wider business community trying to make a difference. If you find these insights helpful for your business, let us know by commenting.
Remember, this document is for guidance only. We recommend getting independent professional advice to make sure these suggestions fit your specific business needs. Together, we can make a big impact on the future of our planet.