A Summer Celebration day was held at Guildford Cathedral on Saturday 8th July. Over 300 people were welcomed with a huge array of activities.
Buxton Bear together with colleagues and other stall holders and stake holders of the refurbishment project joined the hardworking staff of the Cathedral to ensure a great day was had by the local community.
The tunnel, tower and guided tours were all incredibly popular, the talks and exhibitions were enjoyed by an appreciative audience, the children’s crafts were brilliant as always, the live music was fabulous and the stalls and displays offered tremendous opportunities for different groups and to engage with new audiences.
It was a truly collaborative event which demonstrates what can be achieved when enthusiastic and generous individuals work together.
The upgrade works continue into the final stage of the project and the Nave ceiling is transformed. All agreed that the Cathedral is looking light and bright and is a wonderful space for all the community to enjoy over many years to come.